IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips & Models

The White Scarf

IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips & Models

Sample 1

It is expected that in the future old people are going to outnumber young people in many countries. Do you feel this is a positive or negative development?


     In many parts of the world, the ratio of older people to younger people is swelling. Although an ageing population does pose a few benefits, it is felt that this trend is more negative than positive in nature. This will be shown by looking at how a large elderly populace strains a society’s public health resources and deters a country’s younger members from having children of their own.
    For one, the aged require extra attention from a country’s public health services, and this can put pressure on an economy. For example, ageing Canadians increasingly depend on free public health care that is funded by taxpayers. As the number of elderly Canadians increases, financing their medical needs is expected to put immense stress on the Canadian economy. Thus, this example makes it clear that growing numbers of old people in a society is a negative phenomenon.
    In addition to this, younger people are often deterred from having children of their own when they are faced with the burden of caring for an elderly family member. In Japan, for example, fertility rates stagnated during the twentieth century in part due to the load many families had to bear in looking after older relatives. This example illustrates the link that exists between larger numbers of elderly people and reduced birthrates. As lower birthrates are typically unhealthy for a country, it is obvious that the trend of ageing populations is not a positive one.
   As the above evidence shows, there are many drawbacks to nations with heavy weightings of old people. Despite this, it is assumed that little can be done to counter this development. 

Sample 2

Some people like to go to a live sporting event, while others prefer to stay at home and watch it on television. Which do you prefer? Discuss both views using personal examples.


    The manner in which people consume professional sports varies greatly from one person to another. For some, the true excitement of the game can only be properly experienced in person. Others contest that there are too many hassles that come along with attending live sporting events and would rather consume professional sports in the comfort of their own home. The benefits of both positions will be analyzed before a preference is shared.
    Firstly, many prefer to attend athletic events in person to allow themselves to participate in the spectacle. For example, while visiting England, it became apparent to me that English sporting spectators take pride in participating as much as they can in professional football. Those unable to get tickets to games watch them in public places, such as at a pub. Thus to many, watching sports is a very social pastime and best experienced at the place where the match is unfolding .
  However, the above view is not universally true. Many people counter that the most rewarding way to consume professional sports is to do so from the comfort of one’s own home. For instance, it is much more common for North American baseball fans to tune in to games via radio or television than to attend these events in person. For most of these people, the hassle and daunting price of tickets is enough to put them off attending entirely. From this point of view, the merits of watching professional sporting competitions from one’s own home can be seen.
    Although the negative character figures/traits of many sports celebrities are often called into question, it is felt the public mistakes professional athletes make can act as good morality lessons for young people. A good exhibition/image of this occurred when Canadian runner Ben Johnson dishonourably lost an Olympic gold medal due to steroid use. This incident showed young people around the world that drug use is a shameful practice. As this example illustrates/is shown, often the public errors athletes commit can act as good lessons for adolescents.
    After looking at the above, it is felt to hold athletes in esteem does not bring with it entirely negative consequences. It is assumed the historical admiration people will retain/retain for sports stars is not going to change into the foreseeable future. 

Sample 3

Nowadays, young people admire sports stars though they often do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


  The admiration young people hold for celebrities is not a new phenomenon. Throughout/Duringhistory, youths have been inspired by people with outstanding athletic ability. It is argued that this admiration brings with it more positive than negative issues/ramifications. This will be proven by looking at how sports figures both instill inspiration and teach life lessons to young people.
    Firstly, celebrities often display extremely developed skills, which can help to spur young people towards being/a life full of physically active. For instance, school children are often driven to exercise in an attempt to become/emulate superstars, such as Sachin Tendulkar, Li Na and Kobe Bryant. As this additional exercise is good for their health, it is difficult to argue that the inspiration celebrities bestow/leave upon young people is entirely a bad thing. Thus, this shows that the admiration people hold for sports stars has positive implications/reasons.
    Although the negative character figures/traits of many sports celebrities are often called into question, it is felt the public mistakes professional athletes make can act as good morality lessons for young people. A good exhibition/image of this occurred when Canadian runner Ben Johnson dishonourably lost an Olympic gold medal due to steroid use. This incident showed young people around the world that drug use is a shameful practice. As this example illustrates/is shown, often the public errors athletes commit can act as good lessons for adolescents.
    After looking at the above, it is felt to hold athletes in esteem does not bring with it entirely
negative consequences. It is assumed the historical admiration people will retain/retain for sports stars is not going to change into the foreseeable future. 

Sample 4

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss


    The role artists play in modern society is an often debated topic. On the one hand, many
people see art and culture as critical components to a society’s image and sense of identity. Others, however, feel that the significance of a society’s arts is overrated in the modern world. This essay will analyze both sides of this argument.
    From one perspective, many people believe strongly in the value that artists bring to a society. For example, Bob Marley was a musician whose work helped to shape the modern cultural image of Jamaica and bring attention to global problems. Performers like Marley help their countries establish recognizable cultures upon which valuable industries and worldwide recognition can grow. It is thus clear why many argue that artists still bring value to modern society.
    However, many counter that performers in the modern age contribute little of value to society. Many pop music artists in Canada play a good example here. Today, popular music production in Canada follows a very prescribed path. An artist’s lyrics, image, sound and name are often decided by producers in an effort to maximize sales. The unfortunate result of this is that it causes a lot of Canadian music to sound the same. This repetitious quality to Canadian music and other modern arts of the world make it understandable why many feel artists contribute little of value to society.
    Following this look, it is felt that most performers still produce work that benefits society. It is hoped, however, that artistic freedom be given to all performers, regardless of how
society gauges their value.

Sample 5

Violent films and TV programming are among the most popular forms of entertainment today. Why do you think these programs are so popular? Propose possible reasons to explain their large number of viewers.


    The popularity of various forms of media are usually very revealing of a society’s collective psyche. Often audiences consume programming that allows them to experience an existence not available to them in their day-to-day lives, and this is thought to be the main cause for the dramatic popularity of violent art. This will be proven by looking at how violent media allows people to both explore certain curiosities and release tension.
    Firstly, most legal systems around the world greatly reduce the amount of violence people experience in their daily lives. For example, in countries with developed legal systems, experiencing physically aggressive situations in real life is extremely rare. The irony is that this low exposure often piques a natural curiosity in violence among people. Violent media, therefore, is popular because it allows people to vicariously experience a fantasized situation without harming themselves or others.
    In addition to this, violent media acts as an outlet for the natural aggression of human beings. For instance, most would agree that adolescents act more physically aggressive towards each other than any other age group. This aggression is usually thought to be a retained primitive instinct that predisposes adolescents to a natural degree of physical confrontation. Thus, a likely argument for the popularity of violent media among adolescents is that it allows them to release this pent up hostility.
    After looking at the above, it is clear that there are multiple factors contributing to the widespread consumption of violent media. It is assumed that violent media will never be completely eradicated from a society. 

Sample 6

Should young children be encouraged to follow a strict set of rules based on cultural tradition or should they be allowed to behave freely? Discuss both and share your opinion.


    The level of freedom children are allotted varies from one culture to another. Among some, regimenting the behaviour of young children through strict traditional practice is thought to help them develop into skilled members of society. Others argue the removal of strict household regulations allows young people to develop a free, inquisitive and creative mind. Both points of view will be analyzed in this essay.
    In one camp, raising children using a strict set of rules based on tradition is felt best. For instance, in Japanese society often young children are taught how to properly conduct themselves in all social situations, including the manner in which they address elders, give and receive gifts and ask for favours. As a result, Japanese society and the Japanese people are world renowned for their protocol, courtesy, attention to detail and charm. As these are very positive qualities, it is clear that many benefits arise from the employment of a rigid parenting style.
    On the other hand, however, many feel providing young people with freedom fuels their appetite for creativity. American society, for example, is often mocked for its somewhat lax parenting structure. Yet despite this, the United States was and continues to be home to the creation of some of the world’s most revolutionary products. Thus, it is clear that freer parenting models pose numerous benefits.
    After looking at both sides of this debate, it is felt that a balance between protocol and free parenting structures should be sought after by guardians in the twenty-first century. This recipe is expected to become more prevalent in the years to come. 

Sample 7

With the growing availability of TV and Internet, radios will soon become obsolete. Do you agree or disagree?


    The radio is an invention that came to popularity in the twentieth century. Its technology revolutionized the manner in which people communicated. It is felt that although widespread use of the traditional radio may diminish into the future, it is a device that will never disappear completely. This will be shown by looking at trends in the growing car radio market and modern changes in the form of media that radios broadcast.
    Firstly, as growing global affluence spurs demand for cars, radio use will also grow. For example, the booming vehicle market in China is causing an equally significant boom in radio set use. This is not a trend isolated to China; vehicle buyers everywhere are purchasing cars equipped with radio sets. Thus, this example clearly debunks the idea that radio use will be eradicated in the coming years.
     In addition to this, changes to the content found on radio shows is creating new audiences and renewing the purpose of traditional radio sets. For instance, most Canadian radio stations today are live call-in shows. These sorts of shows have developed stable audiences over the last ten years, as this sort of entertainment is difficult to replicate using a television or the Internet. Thus, as this form of radio use will not shrink into the foreseeable future, it can be concluded that radios themselves will not become obsolete.
     As the above evidence makes clear, radios will continue to hold a steady share of the global media market. It is assumed that this will hold true in the years to come. 

Sample 8

What are the advantages and disadvantages of maternity leave? Which side do you feel outweighs the other?


    Laws and social practices surrounding maternity leave vary widely from one country to another. Equally varied are the positions people take on whether maternity leave brings with it more advantages or disadvantages. A conclusion will be reached following this essay’s discussion of these two positions.
     On the one hand, the benefits young families receive from paid work leave are evident. For one, it gives new mothers a chance to properly prepare for the birth of their child and recuperate afterward. Not having to shoulder the financial burdens that come with taking unpaid leave, mothers can focus entirely on providing a healthy home environment for their new baby. Thus, the advantages that come from maternity leave are obvious.
    However, paid maternity leave can also cause some hesitation towards the hiring of women, particularly among high-pressure corporate positions. For example, often companies in Shanghai will ask job seeking women whether they are married or not. By hiring unmarried women, these firms hope to circumvent the need to provide parental leave should one of their married employees decide to start a family. As these sorts of practices are not isolated to only Shanghai, it is clear that maternity programs have the disadvantage of indirectly encouraging sexism.
      Following this look, it is difficult to say the disadvantages of maternity leave outweigh the advantages. Thus, programs that offer new mothers paid work leave are thought to provide more benefits than drawbacks. It is hoped that parental leave programs will continue to develop and improve into the foreseeable future. 

Sample 9

Some believe that students who fear their teachers excel academically. Others believe students work better when they have a friendly relationship with their teacher. Discuss these views and provide your opinion.


    Education styles vary from one place to another. Among some circles, it is felt that students
who hold a modest level of trepidation for their teachers excel in their studies to a greater degree than students who consider their teacher a friend. Both sides of this argument will be analyzed before a conclusion is reached.
    On the one hand, many contend that better academic results are attained by teachers who instill a degree of fear in their students. High school instructors in Shanghai, for example, have an extremely rigid teaching style that involves disciplining students for every mistake they make, no matter how small. Although this system may seem callous, it gets results, as Shanghai’s high school students placed top in the world last year for an international standardized aptitude test. As this shows, students who are afraid of their teachers excel in their studies.
    On the other hand, many people contest the above and argue that students who share friendly relationships with teachers work better. For instance, the American education system typically allows students to experience a much more intimate relationship with their teachers and many argue this helps implant young people with inspiration. As the US is the most innovative country in the world today, there may be some merit to this argument. Thus, it is understandable why many feel students learn to work better under this educational arrangement.
    Following this debate, it is felt that a teacher should be approachable, yet a person who induces a healthy sense of fear and respect in their students. It is hoped this balance will be present in the teachers of the future. 

Sample 10

Public transportation could be made free of charge. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this change?


    Most large cities today boast numerous public transit options, available to residents for a fee. Whether providing these options free of charge is a positive thing is often a highly debated topic. It is felt making public transportation available free of charge ramifies more advantages than disadvantages. This will be proven by looking at how a free public transportation system encourages more environmentally friendly living and provides accessibility to low-income individuals.
    For one, encouraging people to use public transportation through fare elimination has many benefits to the environment. For example, as more people use a city’s public transit system, the congestion that city experiences on the road is greatly reduced. Having fewer vehicles on the road in turn reduces a city’s overall carbon footprint immensely. Thus, the benefit to removing public transportation fares can be seen.
    In addition to this, allowing people to use a city’s transportation services without charge can be exceptionally helpful to low-income residents. For instance, any city that employs this change would empower its people with the ability to live and work in entirely different parts of a city, regardless of their economical situation. This would thus heighten a low-income earner’s chances of gaining financial ground. As this example shows, privileging a city’s people with free transit service boasts more benefits than drawbacks.
    After analyzing the above, it is clear that removing the fare charged to public transit passengers has more pros than cons. It is hoped this alternative is considered as a future growth option for emerging cities. 

Sample 11

Economic growth has helped to improve standards of living all over the world. However, some research shows that people in developing countries are happier with this trend than people in developed countries. Explain why you think this is.


    Developments in the global economy mean different things to different people. To some, recent growth may be coupled with a rise in standards of living, and thus seen as positive. To others, this growth brings with it increased global competitiveness, and is thus seen as negative. These particular opinions are thought to reflect the results of recent research indicating more satisfaction with global growth among the developing world than the developed world. Both sides will be analyzed in this essay.
    It is easy to understand why global economic growth is welcomed among developing countries. In China, for example, young people today have vastly more developed lifestyles than their parents or grandparents. Today many Chinese people consume luxury goods, an ability not possible 30 years ago. From this example, it is easy to understand why people in developing countries see current global economic growth as a reason to be happy.
    However, the economic rise of developing countries makes for more competition among developed countries. For example, microprocessor design, a field once dominated by countries with highly developed education systems, is now an area developing countries are making serious inroads into. Because of this, the once technical giants of the developed world are now seeing their market share decline. This example makes it clear why developed countries are not entirely happy about the economical growth of developing countries.
    It is felt the above reasons explain why research results indicate the opinions of developed and developing countries contrast. These viewpoints are not expected to change much into the foreseeable future. 

Sample 12

Some people believe advertising causes more harm than good to society.  Others refute this.  Discuss both views and share your opinion. 


    One of the main stimulants of consumerism within a country is advertising.  As such, advertising can be seen as a necessary practice within any healthy economy.  But often people counter this by saying that too much exposure to commercial promotions can cause societal problems. Both sides of this argument will be analyzed before a conclusion is reached.

    On the one hand, advertising stimulates healthy spending, which can grow economies and create jobs. Take Coca-Cola, for example.  Coca-Cola is a company that spends massive amounts on marketing every year.  Because of this, it has become a brand that is recognized in the most remote corners of the earth.  This level of recognition allows even the smallest of vendors anywhere in the world to create wealth through providing an attractive product with a powerful brand to potential customers.  Thus, it is understandable why many people believe the benefits of advertising outweigh the drawbacks.

    On the other hand, it is purported by many that advertising has negative ramifications on societies.  For example, at Christmas time, American children are often the target of very elaborate marketing schemes hatched by large companies looking for holiday sales.  As these sorts of campaigns can induce children to become overly concerned with commercial matters, many people worry this may interrupt their development as moral people.  When seen in this light, it is clear why many people feel there are more drawbacks than benefits to advertising.

    Following this look at both sides of the above debate, it is felt that advertising is much more positive than negative in nature.  It is thus expected that the role of marketing within modern economies will not change much into the foreseeable future.

Sample 13

Some people focus on national news, while others think it is more important to be aware of international news.  Discuss both views and offer your opinion.


    Most would argue a basic understanding of events at both a national and international level is important.  Whether one is more important than the other, however, is difficult to say.  Both opinions will be analyzed in this essay before a reasoned conclusion is drawn

    On the one hand, many people believe their nation’s interior issues should take reporting precedence over exterior ones.  For example, elderly people in Canada, who tend to travel less than their younger counterparts, often focus on local news issues.  The reason for this is that these domestic stories apply more directly to day-to-day life in Canada, and this is an area of news Canada’s elderly people are interested in.  As this example shows, it is understandable why some people focus their attention more on national news reports than international ones.

    However, on the other hand, others feel thoroughly understanding international events is more important than focusing on local news.  People who typically share this point of view usually defend it by arguing that as cultures, economies and borders blur, a proper understanding of the world is necessary to retain competitiveness.  Young people, such as university students, act as good examples here as their lifestyles employ more foreign travel and thus require a working knowledge of developments on the global stage.  Thus, it is understandable why this point of view has garnered support.

    After analyzing all sides of the above debate, it is argued that being equally versed in both national and international news is important.  Thus, it is considered impossible to state that one of these reporting types is better than the other.

Sample 14

Today’s food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers.  Why is this?  Is this a positive or negative trend?


    In today’s world, the laws of supply and demand dictate the distances foodstuffs must travel before they are consumed.  Often certain geographical areas are favourable for the production of particular foods.  It is argued that the extreme distances some foods travel before reaching their consumers reflect positive trends occurring around the world.  This will be shown by looking at the cultural and economic benefits that derive from international trade in edible goods.

    For one, the trading of food between countries can be seen as evidence of cultural amalgamation, and this is a positive thing.  For example, Japanese sushi, once considered an oddity among American circles, is now consumed as regularly in the United States as many American dishes.  It is felt culinary exchanges such as this are evidence of the world’s ongoing growth towards a united culture.  As the blurring of cultural differences can bring with it understanding, tolerance and peace, it is felt this example shows how the trading of foods over great distances can be seen as a positive thing.

    In addition to this, the buying and selling of food among nations provides employment opportunities to workers around the world.  For instance, global demand for coffee has allowed Columbia to exercise a geographical advantage it has in the production of this product.  Because coffee can be shipped great distances without spoiling, this example acts as evidence of the benefits that derive from the transporting of foods to other countries.  Thus, the positive results that come from foodstuffs traversing thousands of miles before consumption can be seen.

    After analyzing how food permitted to travel around the world helps to create cultural understanding and stimulate economies, it has been proven that this brings with it more benefits than drawbacks.  It is hoped the international foodstuffs trade continues to grow in an unshrinking manner.

Sample 15

Recently a poll was conducted that revealed happiness levels in developing countries are higher than in developed countries.  What do you think can be learned from this?  Explain your views.


    Most would agree that the word ‘happiness’ relates to the level of contentment and fulfillment an individual experiences in their life.  It is proposed that the recent poll revealing higher percentages of happy people among developing countries allows for the establishment of conclusions on the social structure and culture of individualism seen in developed countries.  The legitimacy of these conclusions will be shown in this essay.

    Firstly, the rigidness with which a developed country’s social structure operates can be seen as one of the causes of lowered happiness levels.  For example, ‘model’ students in the United States cannot simply have high grades but rather must strive to perfect themselves physically and morally as well.  All too often, the stress of trying to fill this publicly accepted ideal lasts a lifetime.  This example leads to the conclusion that the additional societal pressure experienced by people in developed countries reduces levels of happiness.

    Secondly, developed countries tend to emphasize ‘individualism’ and this can also lead to unhappiness.  For instance, young people in China often have a very close-knit family unit that can provide them moral support and advice throughout their lives.  This sort of arrangement is not uncommon among developing countries, too.  Developed countries, on the other hand, tend to encourage people to make their own decisions and to live with the consequences, which can often make people feel overloaded with burden.  As this example shows, additional freedom can actually work against a person’s level of happiness

    The results of the poll in question is felt to reflect the additional stresses people experience in developed countries.  It is felt these same pressures will progressively become apparent in developing countries as they grow.

Sample 16

Once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    The beliefs and values of young people are shaped through a myriad of influences.  Among the most major of these are a child’s parents and teachers.  However, it is argued that ultimately teachers have more influence than parents on the intellectual and social development of children.  This will be proven by looking at how students are more attentive when interacting with teachers and how teachers engage students in an environment more conducive to emulation and learning.

    Firstly, teachers have the opportunity to interact with their students during periods of the day when young people are more attentive.  To illustrate, an American study once proved that human beings more readily commit new skills and ideas to memory in the morning as opposed to the afternoon or evening.  As teachers spend five mornings a week with young people, this example makes it clear that they have an advantage over parents when it comes to developing a young person’s mind.  Thus, it is clear that teachers affect the intellectual and social growth of a child in a manner that the child’s parents cannot match.

    In addition to this, the classroom environment is a powerful place that puts a child in a frame of mind that encourages learning.  For example, it has been proven that students who are home schooled tend to have more difficultly than classroom-taught students in absorbing the information their instructor presents to them.  It is argued that this disparity exists because a classroom surrounds students with an environment of academia, and this promotes the acquisition of knowledge.  As this sort of environment is not always present in a child’s home, it is clear that teachers are in many ways more influential than parents in expanding a child’s mind.

    After looking at the above, it can be seen that instructors have advantages over parents when it comes to forming the minds of children. It is thus expected that the traditional classroom style of learning will not be drastically altered in the foreseeable future.

Sample 17

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high.  Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level.  Write an essay either for or against this position.


    Many would agree that learning and the pursuit of knowledge should be continued throughout one’s life.  Hence, the idea that education’s only merit is the fact it can help a person attain employment is considered ludicrous.  Thus, it is argued that education past a primary school level is needed whether unemployment in a person’s country is high or not.  This will be proven by looking at how education for education’s sake leads to both individual opportunities and discoveries that benefit humanity as a whole.

    To start, people who commit themselves to education regardless of work conditions in their country catalyze events that can lead them to professional and personal opportunities down the road.  For example, during the Great Depression the United States experienced extremely high levels of unemployment for several years.  Despite this, people remained committed to the powers of education and thus when the cycle of unemployment finished they were able to engage in skilled labour.  These opportunities would not have been possible for these people without education.  As this shows, snubbing academia when faced with high unemployment is a faulty strategy to follow.

    In addition to this, the merits of education are not simply tied to a person professionally, as the pursuit of intellectual development can lead to inventions that benefit all humanity.  For example, Steve Jobs released the iPhone after he turned 50 and this revolutionary product only came as a result of his lifelong learning.  As this example shows, education can produce much more than basic employment options.  Thus, people should take on the challenge of education regardless of the working situation in their country.

    After looking at this subject, it is obvious that education brings more to people than simply professional chances and thus should be embraced in all business climates.  It is hoped future generations choose a path of lifelong learning.

Sample 18

A country’s future depends on its young people. Therefore, a country should invest heavily in its youth. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


    The youth of a nation play a critical role in a country’s future.  Thus, the manner in which young people are raised is intrinsically tied to the capabilities of new generations of workers.  It is agreed that a country should invest considerably in its youth.  This will be shown by analyzing how such a practice can lead a nation to international competitiveness and how it can lead people to more charitable lives.

    Firstly, a state’s ability to compete in the modern world is only as strong as its citizens’ minds.  Take the Japanese education system as an example.  Despite the crippling effects of the Second World War, Japan’s focus on education and the nurturing of academia played a part in leading the country to become the second largest economy in the world.  This would never have been possible had the country not invested in and embraced the education of its young people.  Thus, it is clear that a country’s commitment to its young people has direct ramifications on its future.

    Secondly, people who grow up with the gift of a proper education can do more to help the needy in their country.  For instance, Germany is a state that produces large numbers of highly capable medical practitioners, and this allows all German citizens to receive quality medical attention.  Were Germany as a nation to cease investment in young people seeking a medical education, this service to the public could not be provided as effectively.  Because of this, its clear that positive results come to nations that invest in their youth.

    After analyzing how a country’s focus on its young people can lead to economical strength and domestic social benefits, the link between investment in youth and a nation’s future can clearly be seen.  It is hoped the committing of national resources to youths is a practice employed around the world.

Sample 19

Most children spend a lot of time watching television and playing computer games.  Should parents limit the time their children spend on such activities?


    Most would agree that modern lifestyles involve a barrage of electronic distractions. Unfortunately, children engage these electronic pass-times for extended periods and this can lead to negative outcomes.  Thus, it is argued parents should control the quantity of time children commit to idle endeavors, such as television, computer games and the Internet.  This will be proven by looking at how engaging these sorts of hobbies for long periods of time can negatively affect a child’s studies and health.

    Firstly, children who idle away time in front of electronic toys tend to develop poor study habits.  For example, a recent study in Canada revealed a negative correlation between the daily number of hours a high school student spends in front of the television and their marks in school.  As this example shows, there is a clear and very obvious relationship between television exposure and academic performance.  Thus, it is obvious that parents are best to restrict the amount of time children plug in to these sorts of mediums.

    In addition to this, a child’s health can be negatively affected via overexposure to electronic device usage.  Take childhood physical development as an example.  As most would agree, a child’s physical development depends directly on their receiving a certain amount of exercise on a daily basis.  This amount of exercise simply is not possible if this young person logs several hours in front of a computer every day.  As this example shows, a parent’s control of a child’s media intake is required for the child’s well-being.

    After analyzing the negative ramifications too must exposure to electronic mediums can have on young people, it has been proven that proper parental guidance must include efforts to ration a child’s television, computer and Internet exposure.  It is hoped this essay helps persuade parents to more involved forms of parenting.

Sample 20

In many countries, young children are looked after during the day while their parents go to work.  In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological parents.  What is your opinion of this family arrangement?


    Customs regarding the raising of children vary from on culture to another.  In many countries, children are cared for by daytime guardians while their parents work to build careers.  It is argued that this form of rearing does not benefit children as much as when they are raised directly by their biological parents.  This will be proven by looking at how such a family arrangement causes misguided values and feelings of abandonment among the young people in question.

    Firstly, parents who choose their professional goals over raising their children run the risk of setting poor examples for their offspring.  For instance, children of double-income families are often indirectly taught that money is more important than family unity.  These children grow up with unhealthy opinions about the significance of income level and could potentially become adults who judge other human beings based on monetary status.  As this reasoning shows, children are best raised by their parents.

    Secondly, young children regularly separated from their parents may experience feelings of abandonment and this can lead to other problems.  For example, it is a proven fact that Canadian children of single, working parents tend not to perform as well in school as their classmates from nuclear familial arrangements boasting a stay-at-home mother or father.  This example shows that there is a clear link between a child’s academic performance and the level of attention they receive from their parents.  Thus, it is clear that young people are not benefited when they are raised by guardians.

    After analyzing the above points, the merits of regular parental presence can be seen.  It has thus been proven that parents should avoid working patterns that are detrimental to the development of their children.  It is hoped parents everywhere commit to do what they can to ensure they are the primary guidance-providers of their young ones.

Sample 21

Some people believe that advertisements targeting children may have negative effects on them, and suggest banning such advertisements as a solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    Advertising is a central component to the free market.  As the catalyst for sales, it is not surprising that all divisions of a society are targeted, including the very young.  However, it is argued that advertising aimed at children can have negative effects on them and should thus be banned.  This will be proven by looking at how a child’s diet and attention span are altered when they are exposed to certain forms of promotion.

    Firstly, it is quite evident that a child’s dietary preferences can be affected negatively by advertisements.  For example, McDonald’s television commercials in the United States often depict young children having larger than life experiences in their restaurants.  Relenting to their children’s nagging, parents can unfortunately allow the diet of their young ones to include fast food on a regular basis, thus leading to obesity.  Today, the US has the highest rate of childhood obesity in the world and this indicates the negative ramifications targeted advertising can have on children.

    In addition to this, advertising can shorten a child’s attention span and create excessive feelings of want.  Take toy commercials, for example.  Children are barraged on a daily basis with commercials advertising a wide variety of toys.  If children are actually given these toys, they often are quick to stop playing with them and desire something new.  This shortening of a child’s attention span can be seen as yet another reason why child-directed advertising lacks merit.

    After looking at the above points, it is clear that promotional strategies focusing on the very young should be prohibited on the basis that they can lead to developmental problems in children.  It is hoped parents everywhere monitor their children’s exposure to such mediums. 

Sample 22

Some people believe that schools should group their pupils according to academic ability.  Others believe students should be grouped together regardless of academic ability.  Write an essay supporting one side of this debate.


    The classmates a student interacts with on a day-to-day basis make up an important part of their academic experience.  Many believe that a pupil’s learning is enhanced when students of varying academic skill surround them.  However, it is argued that a student benefits most through regular interaction with students of similar intellectual potential.  This will be shown by looking at how such an arrangement both poses healthy challenges to students and refrains from holding students back in their academic pursuits.

    Firstly, by grouping students based intellectual strength, a classroom can provide an environment that engages young people at a level equal to their ability.  Take language learning as an example.  If a highly skilled language student is placed in the same classroom as a beginner, the class atmosphere is beneficial to neither.  Further, it would be impossible for the teacher of this class to provide challenging material that caters to both student levels.  Thus, the merits of classroom groupings based on skill level can be seen.

    Secondly, intellectually superior students placed with less capable students may be held back in their studies.  For example, Canadian public school systems do not categorize students based on their strengths, instead favouring to amalgamate all pupils into one collective class.  Under such an arrangement it unfortunately becomes all too common for gifted students to be held back in their studies as their classmates struggle to understand basic concepts.  As this example shows, arranging students by intelligence should be supported.

    Following this look at class structure, it is felt education systems that discriminate between strong and weak students are beneficial to pupils as a whole.  It is hoped these sorts of classroom arrangements return to popularity in the years to come.

Sample 23

Most people watch foreign films before locally produced films. Why is this so? Would you support a government decision to invest in films in your country?  Include examples in your essay.


    Today, select areas of the world boast well-established film industries.  However, as most people do not come from countries with such film heavyweights, it is understandable why most movie consumers watch foreign films before locally produced ones.  The Canadian government’s financial backing of the local film industry is supported.  The merits of this will be shown by analyzing how such a move could bring more recognition to Canadian culture and how a growing film industry could attract the talent of the world.

    Firstly, a burgeoning film industry could expose Canadian culture to the globe.  This phenomenon has already occurred in India’s Bollywood.  For example, movies like Baghban, which experienced moderate popularity in western countries, did a lot to promote international recognition of Indian family structure and culture.  The same recognition could come to Canadian culture were its movie industry to grow in size.  As this shows, a move to provide funding to Canadian moviemakers could have positive ramifications for the country at large.

    Secondly, by providing the world a view of life in Canada through movies, greater pull for international talent could be established.  For instance, many university graduates the world over travel to the USA to live and experience the images they know from the American movies they watch.  They also bring with them the skills and abilities they have developed abroad and this make the United States a much more competitive country as a whole.  Canadian movies could help to encourage a similar growth in international migration by doing the same and thus the benefits of funding such an industry can be seen.

    After looking at how the government could promote the country’s image as a whole by investing in the movie industry, it has been shown why this is a channel that should be pursued.  It is therefore hoped steps are taken to provide support to Canadian films.

Sample 24

Some people think it is our moral duty to help poor people.  Some people think that big amounts of money do not reach the poor.  Discuss and give your opinion


    There is no question that poverty around the world is a major issue.  However, often the responsibility and role the wealthy play in supporting the less wealthy is debated on both moral and practical grounds.  Many believe as ethical human beings, people are required to support each other.  Others feel the system for providing financial support is too flawed to be engaged.  Both sides will be discussed in this essay before a conclusion is reached.

    On the one hand, many people argue all humans have a moral obligation to help the less fortunate, and the merits of this are easy to see.  For example, Mother Teresa devoted her life to rectifying dire living situations around the world.  Her actions made it clear that a single individual can make a big difference, and this is the basis of the argument that all humans have a responsibility to each other.  It is easy to see why many people support this point of view.

    However, others counter this argument by citing basic flaws that make it difficult for modern people to help the poor.  For instance, it is widely known that China’s political system is rife with corruption.  For Chinese people wanting to donate money, there is of course a possibility that established organizations for human welfare are equally as corrupt.  Thus, many fear that any financial help they provide will not actually reach those in need.  When looking at this example, it is clear why many support the idea that donating money is in many ways fruitless. 

    After analyzing both sides of this argument, it is felt perhaps the best way to help others is to donate time instead of money.  It is hoped more people will do what they can for the benefit of those in need. 

Sample 25

Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists including painters, musicians and poets.  However, other people think that this is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


    An often debated topic is whether a government should provide its country’s artists with assistance or not.  Many believe such assistance is a prudent use of a nation’s wealth and should thus be supported.  However, others feel this kind of spending is wasteful.  Both sides of the argument will be discussed in this essay before a conclusion is reached.

    According to many, government funding of the arts can benefit a country’s cultural identity.  A good example of this is the anime art culture of Japan.  Today, anime is a globally recognized art form and as such, a huge draw for tourists.  As this shows, providing government assistance to artists can have positive ramifications across different channels within a country.  It is thus understandable why many people support this stance.

    On the other hand, many argue this kind of spending is wasteful.  The core of this argument typically spotlights developing countries.  People basically feel that among these countries government money may perhaps best be used to solve social problems, such as establishing safe drinking water and roads to rural communities.  When looking at the discussion in this light, the merits in not utilizing government funds on artists can be seen.

    After examining both sides of the question, it is felt that in most circumstances government assistance to artists begets greater benefits to the country at large.  Thus, it is hoped nations around the world responsibly tailor financial aid to their artists in a manor that best benefits the needs of their people.

Sample 26

Some people think that schools are merely turning children into good citizens and workers, rather than benefitting them as individuals.  To what extent do you agree or disagree? 


    Education and the schooling experience have evolved in the wake of new technologies such as the Internet.  This in turn has had a profound effect on the training students receive and the ultimate people they become upon graduating.  It is disagreed that schools today are producing mechanically-thinking workers and refraining from developing students as individuals.  This will be shown by looking at the current changes underway in both modern and traditional school systems.

    Firstly, many modern school curriculums are becoming computerized and this is doing a lot to encourage student development as individuals.  Take South Korea, for example.  Traditionally, Korean classrooms were packed with forty students and this provided very little face time between instructor and pupil.  However, under a new government policy, all students are to receive tablet computers to allow them greater opportunity for interaction with their teachers and each other.  In addition to this, these tablet computers also provide access to other learning resources that may cater to the particular needs of gifted or challenged young people.  As this shows, the argument that today’s schools do not benefit pupils as individuals holds little merit.

    In addition to this, trends within the developing world are also gravitating towards providing students with individualized school curriculums.  In China, for example, middle and high school youths today are free to select a number of elective courses that allow them to demonstrate their skills in areas they are particularly strong in as well as develop their unique identities.  As schooling continues to become more tailored to the needs of young people, it is difficult to see how the argument that schools do not produce dynamically thinking individuals holds much water.

    After looking at how the world’s schools are increasingly making efforts to meet the needs of individual students, it is hard to see the plausibility of any counter argument.  Thus, it is hoped the educational experience of young people will continue to evolve in a manner that meets their needs.

Sample 27

High school aged students should be taught how to manage money. Do you agree or disagree? 


    Often, people debate whether personal money management is a suitable topic for a high school classroom.  However, having an understanding of monetary manipulation is a skill that everyone in the world needs to have at least basic knowledge of.  Thus, it is agreed that high school aged students should be taught how to manage money.  This will be shown by analyzing how such a course can both instill good business sense in young people as well as prepare them for the working world they face after finishing their education.

    Firstly, one of the merits of educating students about money matters is that it often fosters business success later in life.  For instance, a high school friend of mine was taught how to manage money by his father, who owned and ran a car dealership.  Today, this same friend runs a very profitable company, no doubt partly because of the financial information his father bestowed upon him.  As this shows, providing young people with information regarding how to handle money is a good thing.

    In addition to this, teaching adolescents about how to regulate their funds helps to prepare them for independence.  For example, during my senior year in high school, I was privileged enough to be enrolled in an accounting course which taught a unit of study entitled ‘Managing Money’.  I found that the topics covered in this unit were extremely helpful the following year when I moved on to university and out of my parents’ house.  As my experience shows, teaching young people how to be financially independent can be helpful to them later in their lives.

    After looking at how adolescents are benefitted through basic monetary instruction, it has been proven that this course of study is a positive thing.  Thus, it is hoped that high school aged students the world over be exposed to some kind of training regarding the handling of money.

Sample 28

The popularity of news media often has significant influence on people’s lives.  Some people believe this to be a negative development.  Do you agree or disagree?  


    Since the invention of modern media, news feeds have become an increasingly invasive force in the lives of all human beings.  However, it is disagreed that the development of news media is negative.  This will be shown by looking at how news media encourages both awareness and transparency within the world.

    Firstly, modern media sources have made great inroads in the spreading of knowledge.  For example, the Internet allowed (and continues to allow) the world to witness the uprisings of the Arab Spring.  Had these images not been made available to a scrutinizing global audience, it is possible the entire phenomenon could have cost many more lives than it did.  As this example shows, modern news media allows the human family to keep watch of each other and provide aid if it is needed.

    In addition to this, news media sources have developed transparency and accountability the world over, which has done a lot to tackle corruption.  Take the tragic high-speed train crash in China as an example.  Despite trying to quickly bury the carriages involved, the Chinese government was forced to admit that serious corruption problems had plagued the project from the beginning.  The healthy dialogues that the media coverage of this unfortunate event sparked will hopefully continue to encourage integrity within the Chinese government.  It is for reasons such as this that news media should be thought of as a positive entity in the world.

    After looking at how news media helps to develop awareness and transparency, its benefits can clearly be seen.  It is hoped free press will continue to grow with the help of technology and modern tools.

Sample 29

People nowadays live longer than they used to.  What caused this situation?  Is it a negative or positive development? 


    People today enjoy longer life spans than at any other point in human history.  The most notable causes of this are generally accepted to be the medical and technological advancements of the twentieth century and the heightened ability of nations to share information with each other.  It is argued these advancements and the ultimate postponement of death yield positive results the world over.  This will be proven by looking at how longer life spans give people more time to contribute creatively to the world as well as a chance to develop a heightened level of wisdom that only comes with age.

    Firstly, the longer people live, the more time they have to create things and the richer human culture becomes.  A tragic example of the caliber of talent humanity can lose when great creators die young is Mozart.  Mozart died in his thirties, which was young, even for his time.  Had he the privilege of living longer, he could have contributed so much more to the world.  Thus, it is clear why the extending of the mortal deadline should be seen as a positive thing.

    Another constructive quality that comes as a result of living a long time is wisdom.  As most people would agree, persons of age tend to have a deeper understanding of the world than their younger counterparts.  Thus, it is argued the collective wisdom of humanity could be increased simply by providing more people with the opportunity to live longer.  It is for this reason that the idea of extending lifespan is considered a good thing. 

    After looking at how age allows people to create more in addition to awarding them wisdom, it is felt that the delaying of the point at which a person passes can only be seen as a positive thing.  It is hoped human evolution will continue to postpone the inevitable arrival of death. 

Sample 30

In most parts of the world people are living longer. What are the possible causes of this situation? Is this a negative or positive development? 


    Longevity in the world over has been increasing for a variety of reasons. Babies born today enjoy much longer life spans than those of their parents. It is argued that this increase is a positive phenomenon and that the main causes of it are both the deepening of medical understanding and the sharing of such information between people via tools like the Internet. These causes will be examined in detail to prove their value in the lengthening of worldwide life spans.

    Firstly, medical advancements over the last century have allowed people to postpone death. Among the more significant discoveries that made this possible is the development of antibiotics. Antibiotics, now available to most people the world over, dramatically lower incidences of infection and have thus greatly curbed the number of people the world over who die due to diseases once thought incurable. Thus, advancements in science can be seen as one of the more major contributors to the extending of worldwide life spans.

    Secondly, the Internet and the information shared across it has made the debunking of ineffective medical practices much easier. For example, medical folklore in countries like Ghana and rural China dictate new mothers avoid washing themselves for a month after giving birth. Before tools like the Internet, ridiculous and unsanitary practices such as this were widely believed to be in the best interests of the mother’s health. Today, few people in either country would argue in favour of this postnatal tradition. Thus, the Internet has allowed people to share life-promoting information the world over.

    In conclusion, human life is precious and the global extending of life spans should be seen as positive. It is hoped medical discoveries continue to increase in number and that access to the Internet continues to grow, allowing longevity to be a pleasure enjoyed everywhere.


Thank you for the sample from Ryan Higgins, University of Essex

Further Reading:

Cambridge English. Write & Improve. from:

- IELTSLIZ. IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips, Lessons & Models. from:

- IELTS Buddy. IELTS Writing Task 2. from:

- Kenilkumar Dholakiya. Ielts Writing Task 2 Samples-Ryan Higgins. from:

Studocu. Ielts Writing Task 2-Ryan Higgins. from:


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